Thursday, 17 April 2014

Review: The Book Thief by Marcus Zusack

Title: The Book Thief
Author: Marcus Zusack
Pages: 554
My Rating: 5/5 stars

The Book Thief is a young adult novel set in Germany during the Second World War. A girl called Liesel is sent to a foster family where she learns the harsh realities of the holocaust. 
The first interesting aspect of the novel is that it is narrated by Death - a perspective we do not usually see. Just like all other characters, he is very likable and develops throughout the novel. The descriptions, the characters, the story telling, it is all beautifully done. 
One thing I was hesitant about at first was the writing style. I read all kinds of reviews saying Zusack's writing was oh so beautiful, and I could not see that. However, at one point, I think about a third in, I started to realise his writing did have something unique and interesting and I started appreciating every second of reading it. 
It did take me a long time to read it, but once I got used to the style, I just couldn't find a reason to give it less than 5 stars. Honestly, I don't have much more to say, just that everyone should read it, no matter your age. 

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