Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Top 5 Wednesday: Sequels

It's Wednesday again, so it's time for another Top 5 Wednesday, and this week the topic is Sequels. Now, I have a confession to make: I hardly ever read series. Therefore, it will not be a top 5 - I think I only ever (not counting children's books) read four series, and of these, I will discuss the 'sequel' I liked best.

1. Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
As said before, I don't read a lot of series, but BOY do I love this one. I think Catching Fire is my favourite one when picking from book 2 or 3, but Mockingjay is pretty awesome too. 

2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling
Another confession. I've only read the first three Harry Potter books. When I was little I was forced to read the first one, and therefore didn't like it. About a year ago, I started reading the books, and read the first three in a month. I didn't continue although I did love the series. The third one was the best. 

3. City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
When this book just came out (5 years ago), I still read more young adult fantasy, and I loved the Mortal Instruments series. Now I don't really anymore, but as I sort of 'grew up' reading them, I think they should be listed. 

4. Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
I am not even sure whether I've fully read this one, but I felt like I couldn't leave this series out, because I liked it, especially the first one, better than the MI series - probably mostly because I had grown a little bit older since I first started reading it. I felt this series was more adult, and I also loved the literary references. 

I am very sorry if it's going to take a while before the next review is up. I am currently reading Moby Dick and it's taking a long time, although so far I am rather enjoying it. 

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