Friday, 21 February 2014

Book Depository Book Haul

I just received the last three books I ordered on the Book Depository a while back, so I thought I'd do a book haul.

    The first two on the pile are Pattern Recognition by William Gibson and Falling Man by Don DeLillo. I bought these books because I am currently writing my dissertation on (post) 9/11 literature for which I wanted to analyse Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer and these two novels. I had actually ordered these quite on time but they arrived rather late so I have to read them really quickly. I've already started Falling Man. 
    Now as I said, the novels are about 9/11. Falling Man more so than Pattern Recognition as in the latter it only features as a subplot whereas in the first, as the title already indicates, it's really a main theme.
    Falling Man is about a man, Keith, who has survived the attacks. Right after he visits his ex-wife's apartment and tries to fix things with her and his son, Justin.
   Pattern Recognition is about a woman called Cayce who is a "coolhunter", meaning she predicts all the future trends. Meanwhile she is haunted by the memories of her father who went missing during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The next book on my list is Wonder by R.J. Palacio. It is about a young boy whose face is severely deformed. He had always been home schooled because his parents wanted to protect him, but now as he's supposed to be going to 5th grade, his parents think it's best for him to go to a real school.
     I've already finished this book, if you want to know what I thought about it, you can read my review in the post below this one.

Then there's The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I've heard so many good things about it, and I've started reading it and so far I really enjoy it. It's set around the second world war and it's about a German girl whose mother decides she'd probably be better off in a foster family.

The Fault in our Stars by John Green is a novel you've probably heard much about. I'm very happy I got it and I'm so excited to start reading it. All I really know, and want to know, about it  is that it's about a 17 year old girl who has cancer, goes to a support group where she meets a really interesting boy.

The Grapes of Wrath is a classic written by John Steinbeck. It's about a family trying to find work during the Great Depression in America.

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is another novel I've been dying to get, and I was so excited when I opened a package and that was in it because I had forgotten I'd ordered it. It's quite a depressing novel which was published only a few weeks before Plath's suicide. It's basically about a woman who's going insane.

Then last, but hopefully not least is Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Everyone is raving about this novel, and I cannot wait to read it and order the second book. I don't know what it is about at all, and I do not want to know it before I start reading it. I like being surprised.

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