Thursday, 23 April 2015

Dewey's 24-hour Readathon

Dewey's 24-hour-read-a-thon is this Saturday, and I'm participating! The read-a-thon starts at the same moment all around the world, and for me, being in the Netherlands, it means mine will start at 2pm. As I cannot afford a hangover because I have quite some uni-work to do, I will not read for the entire 24 hours and try and get some sleep in.

Anyway, I wanted to post a TBR, but I'm really not sure what I'll be reading, so the books I've picked will be quite a few too many. Moreover, a few of these books need an explanation. 

Watchmen is a book I've been reading for a readalong, but I got a bit behind because of finals. So I'll be catching up, but not finishing it, cause I don't want to get too far ahead. 
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This is part of a project I'm trying to do this year: read all Harry Potter books - one every month for the months of January, April - December. Yes, that's 10 months, but I included the Hogwards Library books as well. 
All I Know Now. A book by one of my favourite Youtubers, Carrie Fletcher, which came out today. I had planned this for Saturday, but as I got it in the mail I realised it may be a bit too big for the day, and I might not want to rush it either. So I'm not sure about that one. 
The Little Black Penguin editions. I got these the other day, and I thought they'd be perfect for a day of reading. However, I'll most definitely not read all four of them. 
The Rosie Project.  I've been reading this for the past few days, but I'm pretty sure I won't have time to finish it before the read-a-thon, so I'll finish it in the first hour or so. 

Saturday, I will try to update every, say, three hours. But we'll see how it goes. If you're participating too, please let me know what you're reading! 

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