Thursday 1 January 2015

2014 Wrap Up

Happy new year, dear readers!
I thought it’d be a good idea to wrap up the year in order to be able to start from a clean slate in 2015 (in terms of reading, that is). So here we go. In 2014, I read a total of 17,563 pages, divided over 64 books. This means the average book was around 275 pages. The longest book, however, was Gone Girl by Gilian Flynn, with 560 pages. There were 7 books which I started, but never finished.
There were 2 books I really did not enjoy and rated merely 1 star. There were 9 books that were given 2 stars. The average rating of 3 stars was given to 24 books. I did read quite a lot of good books, having rated 22 books 4 stars, and 7 five.

The upcoming posts will consist of a few lists including favourite books of the year, least favourite, and some plans and goals for my reading and blog for the year of twenty-fifteen. So please check back if you’re interested in any of that!

Love, Suzan. 

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